The Science of Motivation - FindMojo

Workplace satisfaction and productivity are at all-time lows.

Stress and anxiety are at new highs.

Retaining, developing, and recognising talent has never been more important.

The Motivators Assessments is a foundation for solving these stubborn people challenges.

It is the world’s most extensive and scientific tool to help individuals identify their unique blend of core workplace motivators.

It answers the vital questions:

“What motivates me and my team?” and “What can I do about it?”

Contact Yvonne Collier to find out how we can work together with Find Mojo to develop others and help individuals and teams find their mojo 😃

First leg of the stool - Strengths-based assessments (such as Gallup’s CliftonStrengths) measure talents (what we’re good at),

Second leg of the stool - Personality-based assessments (such as DISC, Color Code, etc. And Behavioural Styles e.g. LAFFe to Success)  - help you understand how you interact with others (who we are)

Third leg of the stool - Find Mojo shows you what you’re passionate about, what you enjoy at work, and what really drives you—at a very detailed level.